In order to be Covid Safe in the clinic we have to enforce these new guidelines to keep clients and me safe during the pandemic

If you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms, please postpone or cancel your appointment. Once you have made an appointment there will be a consent form to complete regarding your exposure to Covid-19. If you are considered a high-risk client, it may not be possible to massage you at this time but feel free to discuss this with me
You MUST be wearing a face covering/mask upon entering the building.
You MUST wait in your car (if driving) or in the parking area (if walking) and I will come and collect you as soon as I am ready. This will further help to avoid any potential overlap of clients.
I will also open and close the gate and all doors to avoid contact with door handles.
You MUST wash or sanitise your hands upon entering the building
Please enter the building without touching anything
Ideally payment will be made via card or bank transfer, but if you are paying with cash please make sure you have the correct amount with you and you will be asked to place in the provided envelope/tub
You will have your temperature taken upon arrival

Please note we ask that you attend appointments alone (unless you are under 18 or have requested a chaperone to be present in advance) and comply with social distancing guidelines
If you are a first-time client, your initial consultation will take place via telephone or videoconferencing, rather than during your appointment. If you are an existing client there will be a short update consultation, via telephone of videoconferencing, prior to your appointment to discuss your needs and any Covid-19 issues. All consultation and consent documents should be signed and brought with you to your appointment or emailed beforehand. Please bring you own pen and water if needed, as I can no longer supply this. If you have a face mask, please wear this but if you don’t, I will supply you with one to wear throughout your treatment.
Please keep your mask on until you exit the premises. It is also recommended that you register for the NHS Track and Trace app to maintain our safety.
The treatment room will have been thoroughly disinfected and all linen and face cradles replaced for each client. I will be wearing personal protective equipment which includes a mask,a Visor, gloves and apron. Do not be concerned about the use of gloves, it will not affect your treatment.
Please note appointments will be spaced further apart than usual to enable disinfection of the practice space, therapy table, equipment and facilities.